Welcome To The Autumn Term At Hollycombe! Book now for school tours for Reception places in September 2025. Phone 01482 741332 or email office@hollycombeprimary.org.uk
Welcome To The Autumn Term At Hollycombe! Book now for school tours for Reception places in September 2025. Phone 01482 741332 or email office@hollycombeprimary.org.uk
Hollycombe Primary School

Relationships and Sex Education

Our children have age-appropriate lessons in Personal and Social Education, including topics such as health, staying safe, making friends, and emotional well-being.

Children also cover life-cycles as part of their science curriculum.

As children get older they also have Relationships and Sex Education lessons, usually in Years 4, 5 and 6.

Parents are always notified in advance about these lessons and can see the materials we use if they would like to. Parents can choose to withdraw their child from some aspects of RSE, though not from the science curriculum which also covers aspects of reproduction.

We would much rather make adjustments and talk through any concerns you may have, ahead of the lessons, rather than have children withdrawn. Please get in touch if you have worries about this area of the curriculum.